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Monday, April 10, 2017

Worst luck ever

I have a secret to tell you. EVERY business requires a LARGE investment in order to acquire a LARGE income, including SF. If you are complaining now about a few people who gave SFI their name and email address, then you are in for a rude awakening, not just in SFI, but life itself.

I remember when I was actively recruiting for AVON. I would spend many days meeting people at McDonalds, Burger King or wherever I could meet them. I was signing people up by the boat loads and ALL of them quit within a few months. Keep in mind, I had to physically meet ALL of them. Thus I was limited to a 50 mile radius as to who I would sponsor.

You have a built in advantage by being an SFI affiliate. You can sponsor millions of people from all around the world and you don't even have to leave your home. With the time you used posting your complaints here, you could have posted 100 links to Facebook Groups and paid $00.00 out of pocket.

More importantly, you could have met with everyone in the WORLD, verses spending 2 hours at McDonalds with one person as I once did. Yes, almost ALL of your affiliates will do nothing, but what does that matter. All you need is 5 active team leaders on your 1st level. You may have to go through 10,000 affiliates to find them, so stop complaining and start marketing.

To your success

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