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Saturday, April 15, 2017

CSA Exchange

What is the CSA Exchange? How does it work?

02/10/2016 Did you know that matching up co-sponsors and CSAs by country has been shown to increase activity in CSAs due to better communications and compatibility in regards to language, culture, etc.?

It’s true!  Using the CSA Exchange, you can actively harness the power of this in your team by exchanging your CSAs from other countries for CSAs from your own country!

Using the CSA Exchange is simple.  Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Choose the ELIGIBLE CSAs view.

Step 3: Select all the CSAs you wish to exchange.  IMPORTANT! You will want to keep your active CSAs, of course.  So only select those CSAs that you’re okay with exchanging for different CSAs.

Step 4: Save your selections by clicking the “Add selected CSAs to Exchange pool” button.

Exchanges will begin automatically--usually within 24 hours, depending on what CSAs are available currently.

Special Note: As you acquire additional CSAs, be sure to visit the CSA Exchange every so often to add them to the CSAs you want to exchange.


Q: Why should I exchange my CSAs?
People like working with others who understand their culture and speak their native language.  By exchanging your CSAs that live in other countries for CSAs that live in YOUR country, you can put this dynamic to work for you.  It’s a win/win!  Your CSAs will have a co-sponsor that they can work better with…and you’ll create more active CSAs that can grow your commissions!

Q: Which CSAs are automatically excluded from my list of CSAs eligible for exchange?
Our system automatically excludes CSAs if they:
* Are from your own country
* Have a current Standing Order
* Are red-flagged in your Genealogy
* Have a confirmed bad e-mail address
* Were EA this month or last month

Q: Will exchanging mean I’ll get active CSAs?
There’s no guarantee that exchanging CSAs will change anything, but we’ve seen good evidence of CSAs becoming active after being reassigned to a co-sponsor from the same country.  But the bottom line is there’s nothing to lose.  If you’re exchanging your CSAs that are inactive currently, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain by bringing in new CSAs from your country and seeing how they might respond to a new, same-country co-sponsor.

Q: Does this program have any impact on my PSAs?
Yes!  In fact, it could have a VERY positive impact on getting your PSAs more active, and reawakening PSAs that have been long inactive.  This is because all of your PSAs are also someone else’s CSAs.  As they get assigned to new same-country co-sponsors--persons who can personally guide them in their native language and who are aligned culturally--activity could increase substantially!  Yes, a significant boost to overall activity for your entire organization--for every generation under you--could be brewing!

Q: How long will it take for my CSAs to be exchanged?
This will depend entirely on how many CSAs you have to exchange and how many CSAs from your country that are available. Exchanges can potentially start within minutes of choosing your eligible CSAs, but it could take several hours, days, or even weeks to fully exchange them all.

Q: Can I see how many of my CSAs have been exchanged?
Yes, these statistics will be provided at the CSA Exchange Web page, so you can always see the results of your exchanges, how many are pending, etc.

Q: When I receive CSAs from my country, am I allowed to call them and/or meet with them?
Yes, feel free to work directly with all your CSAs.  This is one of the best ways to get your CSAs actively engaged and grow your business.

Q: Will exchanged CSAs know they’ve been assigned a new co-sponsor?
Yes, immediately upon reassignment, we send each person an e-mail letting them know they have a new co-sponsor from their own country.  This notice includes the full name and e-mail address of the new co-sponsor and invites them to make contact.

Q: How can I identify the new CSAs I've received through the CSA I can introduce myself?
The easiest method is through your Genealogy report.  Use the "CSA Assign Date" for your first filter, then "CSA Source = CSA Exchange" for your second filter to pull up your new exchanged CSAs by date.  You can then use the Genealogy's group messaging tool to send them your message.

Q: What should I say in my introduction message?
It’s up to you, but here’s a suggestion:

Subject: I’m your new co-sponsor in SFI!


I’ve just received the great news that I’ve been assigned as your new co-sponsor in SFI!

Like yourself, I live in <COUNTRY> and I would love to work with you to help you build a successful business.  SFI is a powerful and proven business platform, and I would be honored, as your new co-sponsor in <COUNTRY>, to help you in any way I can.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your Name Your email address

Q: Won’t my CSAs be hurt that I’ve given them up to another co-sponsor? It’s possible, yes.  That said, the exchange has been created to provide a mutually-beneficial situation.  You may not be able to significantly help many of your CSAs that live in far-away parts of the word due to language and cultural differences.  But by them getting reassigned to a same-country co-sponsor, you may be giving them a huge gift--a gift that may allow them to really take off and find success and financial freedom in SFI.

Q: Should I stay in contact with the CSAs that I’ve allowed to be reassigned to new co-sponsors?
No.  Once they’ve been exchanged, contact should cease.  If they contact you, you should advise them to contact their new co-sponsor.  Note that if you’ve got CSAs that you’ve become friends with and don’t want to lose contact with, just don’t exchange them.

Q: Does the CSA Exchange take into account how long the CSAs have been in SFI?
No, it’s only looking at their country of residence and matching by country.

Q: Could SFI also provide a PSA exchange?
PSAs are much more complicated because we cannot know that you were the only one responsible for that affiliate joining under you. There could have been multiple upline members who contributed, who generated the sign-up via one of their co-ops, reassigned that affiliate to you, or have otherwise invested in the person (which you may not even be aware of). Hence, we can't allow you to remove PSAs from your group which is what exchanging them would do.  But don't forget that we DO allow you to reassign PSAs within your team (See Reassignment tab in your Genealogy).

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