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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Big Picture

must-read post
Big Picture Thinking

Our mindset really is important. Now, before we go another word, let me say that I don't buy the concept that "if you believe it you can achieve it." Why? because I think I can fly and I keep landing on my face!

However, I do believe in trying to be positive, and I really believe in BIG PICTURE THINKING. Big picture thinking understands that you don't sign up this month and retire next month! Big picture thinking looks down the time tunnel and understands that a project takes time, and allows the mind to stay relaxed when things don't happen fast.

A. Big Picture Clock
Set some time aside each day that is BIG PICTURE TIME! You decide how much, but an hour is not a bad idea. Step back mentally from your business and see it come together down the road. What does it look like in 6 months, 12 months, 48 months, 60 months?

If you take in the whole mountain vista, it doesn't seem so bad as you try to climb the boulders that present obstacles. That Big Picture image in your mind is a comforting voice that says, "keep going"!

B. Big Picture Cuts
Take your big picture and cut it up into segments. It's a little like working a jigsaw puzzle. I like to do the border first, then I group the pieces by color for obvious "area" locations. next, I find small objects or people that I can piece together.

It's the same with our business.

C. Big Picture Chats
You might need someone to chat with that understands Big Picture Thinking. Let them know your thinking. You may very well find that as you are talking about how you see things that you will give yourself idea's as to how to achieve these Big Picture Cuts that I mentioned. You might also gain idea's from their feedback.

D. Big Picture Course
Have a plan! The Big Picture is no good unless you have a plan on putting it together. You say that you didn't earm much last month? No problem! You can manage the crumbs today for the banquet that is coming!

You say it's hard! Yes, it is. Almost any financially successful person can quickly tell you about when it was hard for them, too!

Get in Builder Bundle!
Get in Opti-Build!

Don't be like those that nit-pick the up-close. Those that whine about the Builder Bundle only having 100 T-Credits instead of 125.

You can live the rest of your life on crumbs, or you can endure hardness for a time, knowing that the Big Picture will validate the sacrifices, and reward you for the rest of your life.

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