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Monday, April 17, 2017

How long does it take to make money in SFI?

must-read post

I don't want you to get me wrong but most people are not immediately ready to own a business, especially not an online business.

Even if you have done your research, have your business license, have a space to work distraction free, have learned to set up a website or blog, and even selected a first program you still don't have a clue about the most missed ingredient. That ingredient is the most missed part of the recipe both online and in a brick and mortar business.

Fact is you go into business more often than not expecting an immediate change in your income and lifestyle and less work than that JOB for a lot more money. Yep 97% of you just had a hard lump to swallow in the back of your throat.
It's human nature to want instant gratification.

If we are hungry we eat, tired we sleep, cold we seek shelter. We are creatures of comfort choosing the best things our income can supply and constantly seeking more income and better things. Especially if you are like me and have been homeless at some point in your life.

But a business doesn't offer that no matter what the Hype sellers say.

A business is real work, a lot of it and a lot of time. It's not 30 minutes a day, it's not 3-4 hours a week if you want $3,000 a month or more it is a commitment of every bit of time you can give your business without losing touch with why you started it or making yourself sick.

If you start an offline business you are looking at tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest, maybe even a debt to get started as most people do not have their start up money up front. In an online business you should expect to invest time and money even if the program is free because the less money you have the longer it will take to make a profit.

How long to be profitable?

It can 2-3 years for most with money invested, and 2-5years without cash investment. That's a profit, not necessarily that $3,000+ a month income you need to fire the boss or the $6,000 a month you need to live the lifestyle you want and send the kids to college etc..

Worse yet, people tend to not think of an online business as being a real business so they fail. They don't think of their business as a store but instead as a product in a store so they replace it with different products if sales don't start right away so they are program hopping.

When you program hop however you are not just changing the product you are selling but also the link at which you are selling products. hen you change programs all the time you change your place of business, all the old ads point to somewhere you can no longer be found, and potential team members may not be aware of your new location and may worse yet not like the offer as much as the one they followed you for.

So you need staying power, work ethic, and vision to succeed.

Please log in to your SFI Affiliate Center today.

Andy Zeus Anderson

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