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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Opti-Build Update

must-read post
Opti Build is in it's early developmental stages (through management's admission) but the benefit's are already evident. To the concerned parties please keep in mind that the New Inactive Sponsor Policy will be kicking in soon. Implementing both at the same time would've a different set of complications. Instead they were thoughtfully placed a month apart to allow us to 'feel out'(see what was/wasn't working, and identify the active members more readily) the Opti Build Program, before the Inactive Sponsor Policy kicks in.
Once combined the two should offer a wave of spillover from above and a swell from below. we're so close to this awesome Infusion. I encourage everyone to Lead By Example!!! In the event your mind set is "My upline isn't in Opti Build, so I won't be either" then two problems are created:

1. Your downline will carry the same mindset as you too are not in Opti Build.
2. Your value, as leader, is signifigantly diminished based on one of the founding principles.

Duplication in your downline is the best and easiest path to succes. Your upline could even be incentivized into action, by seeing the team you're building. "Never give up, Never give up, Never give up". Truer words have never been spoken. Every dollar, every minute, every communication sent/received, is an investment in our business , and it must be viewed as such.

I have the benefit of an active sponsor and my downline has the benefit of me being very active as well. I am in Opti Build, I order Builder Bundle on AD, I participate in auctions to gather my PSA/CSA/PRM signups to help when my efforts are too slow. I am grateful for every single Opti Build spillover I receive and every PSA/CSA that is manually sent to me. My team can attest to the fact that I do the same for them. In exchange for going All In with my efforts(joined Mar 18/17) I am now on pace to be GTL this month. Let's spread the message of duplication, investing in onself, and patience. That's a Win-Win-Win!!!

Travis Hare

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