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Monday, April 10, 2017

There's an old saying in sales, marketing and networking about your prospects having their radio station tuned to WIIFM. When you communicate with your PSAs, Team Members and Prospects (leads) always remember WIIFM:
W = What's
I = In
I = It
F = For
M = Me (Me would refer to your reader or listener)
What's In It For Me?!
The basic idea is to focus on communicating benefits and not focusing on features! However, there's another side to WIIFM and that's using words like you and we more than using I and me. If we focus on benefits and use variations of the words you and we then we're focusing on what's important to the person we're trying to influence. Focus on what's important to your reader or listener and your results will improve!

Leon McKee

P.S. Features Tell, but Benefits Sell!

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