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Monday, April 17, 2017

New Signups

One of the biggest challenges in marketing our business is that expectations must match the reality...
1) The ad must match the landing page

2) The landing page must match the opportunity

3) The opportunity must solve the prospects problem(s)

The internet has lowered the barrier of entry to the level of FREE

Ok, here's a BIG point that needs to be made...

With SFI what we're all doing is building a list! We then market to that list to show them we can solve their problem with our business opportunity. Once we get them in the door they move from being suspects to prospects. In order to move them from prospects to actually being Active Affiliates is the next step. Again, when we look at our geneology and we sort to find the rank of Affiliate I would suggest we consider them to still be prospects.

Get them in the door, but keep marketing to them like their prospects. Because they are!

Leon McKee

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