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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Beware of Fraud and Hacking

SFI is very secure, sometimes the hackers can get access to passwords if they are not used exclusively for SFI, so we're asked to change our passwords often as a precaution.

Right! We have not been hacked, but many, many other, even major, sites have been (it's in the news regularly)...and the email addresses and passwords of tens of millions have been stolen by hackers...and these hackers have, no doubt, distributed and sold these email and password combinations to other scammers.

So, there's potentially a whole army of bad guys out there with your email/password combination...and armed with this, all they have to do is go to various other sites (SFI included) and enter the email addresses and passwords one after another, hoping to get a hit. When they do, they're IN...and they have full access to your account!

This is why it's so important to not use the same password. At every site where you're required to log in, you should use a different password.

I recommend using an app like 1Password to manage this. With 1Password, you only have to remember a single password, and it will use and remember a different password for every site for you. 1Password is available for Mac, iOS, Android, and Windows here:

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