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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Opti-Build is working great

We are now one week into Opti-Build and I am seeing a lot of activity! Not only am I seeing new PSA's but my DD as well.

I decided to invest in both Builder Bundle and S Builder Co-Op to help my team grow. And it seems to be working fantastic!

And then comes along the new Active Sponsor Policy! Wow! What an excellent addition to everything that has already taken place so far. I'm smiling from ear to ear.

My business is actively growing from day to day. I'm now at the point, where I can't wait to awake in the morning to see what has taken place. I'm actually getting up earlier now just because of the anticipation.

Exciting to say the least!

All my best to the SFI family! I hope all are doing well.

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