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Monday, April 17, 2017

New Team Leader Qualifications

I just read about the new team leader qualification and I must say I support this change 100% and then some!
Some thoughts...

1) This change puts focus on building leadership. This results in a more secure income!

2) This change puts focus on depth of leadership. This results in a considerably more secure income!

3) This change puts a focus on increasing the value of the TripleClicks Executive Pool. This will increase your income!

4) The most secure incomes I'm aware of in this industry come from compensation systems that "stair step" the leadership development process. I can testify to the effectiveness of stepping leaders through the process of building their business. I personally raised my children (from birth) and put them through college with an income stream developed with this exact process. The change to the SFI compensation system supports a "stair step" strategy! Fantastic!

5) All of the above means that you have more free time when you have a developed business! More leadership equals more free time. Free time means you can do what's important to you! Without leadership you'll need to keep rebuilding all by yourself! That's a JOB and not a BUSINESS!

Great job SFI!

Leon McKee

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