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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Why should I connect with ECAs?

Why should I connect with ECAs? And how do I connect with them?

08/22/2015 Your success as an SFI affiliate (and your team's success), is tied directly to the success of TripleClicks--and our ECAs are a big part of TripleClicks.

A new ECA is likely still learning about TripleClicks. They do not yet know if it will be an asset for their company. Hence, they are unsure how much they want to do with TripleClicks. But if lots of TripleClicks members connect with the ECA, this will embolden them to get their products listed. It may also motivate them to create Hot Deals, add even more products, offer lower shipping costs, better prices, etc.

All of these things make TripleClicks better and more robust. And the better TripleClicks is, the more traffic TripleClicks will receive, and the more sales and affiliate commissions will be generated for all SFI affiliates. In short, the more successful our ECAs are, the more successful our affiliates will be...and it can start with the simple act of connecting with your favorite ECAs.

You may also receive special offers, deals, etc. from the ECAs you connect with.

Note also that ECAs build their "power rankings" based on the number of connections they accumulate. Hence, ECAs want lots of members connecting with them!

So where/how do you connect with ECAs?

1. You can do this at our ECA REPORT which is updated daily with new ECAs.

2. If you want to connect with the ECAs in your country, see our "ECAs By Country" list HERE (
3. You can also connect with any ECA by visiting their TConnect page or from any of their product details pages at TripleClicks.

One more thing: Don't forget that you can refer new ECAs and earn royalties on ALL of their sales at TripleClicks for life! Learn about this great opportunity HERE (

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