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Monday, May 1, 2017

What is Success in SFI?

What Is Success In SFI?

02/23/2017 Article by:
Yank Elliott, SFI Team Leader

Many SFI affiliates wonder when they can say they are "successful" with their SFI businesses. The answer depends to some degree with how an individual defines success; it means different things to different people.

An example of different views of success occurred in my own family. My father was a devout Christian minister for over 60 years. He helped a lot of people to get through rough spots in their lives. Through all those years my father was totally focused on saving souls with the goal of going to Heaven when he died. Unlike me, he never had a thought about anything related to money. He was 90 when he died, and I have no doubts about whether he was a success.

But my personal definition of "success" has always included financial success. That’s why I am so dedicated to SFI. It gives everyone willing to try a platform from which they may become very wealthy. If you read my profile, you will see that my main goal with SFI is to earn enough money so I can help others as I have been helped at various times in my life. So, even with a money-focused goal like mine, success for me is not entirely defined by financial success.

Before getting into ideas about how to define success, let’s look at what some SFI affiliates have shared at the SFI Forum about how they worked through difficult times in order to keep their SFI business alive:

Rosina said a family member stayed connected and committed to SFI through two tornadoes and power outages to keep her SFI business. Rosina also shared that, because she had no phone or Internet connections for four weeks, she had to walk 12 miles for three Sundays to be able to log in to SFI and take care of her Daily and Weekly To-Do List actions!

SFI Forum member Randy said: My push through story is that I had started SFI with a lot skepticism at first. SFI has taught me that if you are determined, persistent, and motivated, there is nothing that can really stop you. So, even though I started out with nothing, I'm still building my business, and I know that with perseverance in the long run, I can achieve success.

Here’s a response from Rosina: Yes, Randi “nothing short of death” is exactly where I am, and it may sound like an extreme and crazy attitude about a business. But SFI is not just any business. It is THE business, with A REAL Answer for achieving anyone’s goal of financial independence. And so I run this race.

SFI Affiliate Jeannine posted her own story in the Forum: When I joined SFI, I was using an iPhone; my laptop computer was 14 years old and no longer working. I continued to use an iPhone while I save up for a laptop. I am unskilled in using a computer and have limited knowledge; I knew nothing about Internet marketing. My business began to suffer in 2008 as a result of the economy. I had been teaching piano in my studio quite successfully before this. With my limited knowledge of computer usage, I didn't even know how to cut and paste and had never uploaded photographs--I was definitely technologically challenged! Thanks to SFI, I have been able to learn much about Internet marketing and am starting to put this information into practice! Some months are quite difficult for me, especially in the summer when my students take vacations! I have done my best and have maintained my Executive Affiliate status for 11 months now. Hopefully I will be able to retain my current BTL status as I continue to build my Team and begin to advertise more on and offline. Some days are extremely busy and it is difficult to log in. However I always make sure I earn the points for all of my Daily Actions. SFI is a great opportunity, and I will continue to build my business as I look forward to the future!

Another Forum Member, William, posted: If you are ruled by feelings in this business then you are certainly on a roller coaster. You see today's results, but not much further. There will be numerous peaks and valleys and, for a long term, may be too hard to bear depending on how many lows vs. how many highs. Decisions about investment tend to be about the short term. If you are ruled by facts, your eyes are more on the horizon seeing the big picture. Decisions tend to be with the long term in mind. The big difference is that you can see far enough to know that the prize is real and that all you have to do is keep moving towards that goal.


Shortcuts to success would be great...but real life almost never works that way. At Ask SC, SFI Affiliates have posted lots of examples and advice about this:

There are no shortcuts to success in SFI or elsewhere. You have to do the work. When you are starting out or when you are advancing, you must pay close attention to what is in the SFI training.  Do not be enticed by others to add on additional affiliate businesses of any kind. Put all of your attention and effort into building your SFI business. Obey the rules for advertising SFI and TC. Do not embellish the opportunity, nor give specific amounts of income. A few tips that can speed you along are:

  • While I don't want to put you in a pause, when you have done enough of the To Do List for EA, then switch to studying other of the SFI training like Internet Income that do not have VP attached. You can use this information to advantage, and you will have some of the action VP left to use next month.
  • Do all you can to purchase from TC enough to cover your 1500 or 2000 allowed Sales VP every month.
  • Aim for BTL instead of EA2.
  • As you learn all the great things about SFI, let your excitement and joy show to your prospects. They will get excited, too.
  • We know that there are Affiliates who start with all guns blazing and able reach the top by using shortcuts such as buying large amounts of TCredits, purchasing items at TripleClicks, and using all the free VP sources to earn large VPs to qualify for Team Leader.
  • These are the shooting stars–here today, gone tomorrow. For they love using shortcuts, are impatient to succeed, and would not follow the SFI Rules of Success. So they end up where they started.
  • We all know that new Affiliates can have early success by scoring 500 VPs and earning a 200 VP Bonus, then move on to become Executive Affiliates by earning 1500 VP the minimum required. This can happen in one day of joining SFI.
  • Within the same short period, new Affiliates can also progress to moving up the ladder by investing money in setting up a standing order and buying TCredit Packs for bidding.
  • By actively sponsoring as many new PSAs for team building by placing ads or by purchasing a share in S-Builder Co-op or from ECAs.
  • By referring ECAs, by generating TC sales through PRMS, etc.
  • By being involved not only in team activities but also being active participants in SFI Forum and Ask SC.
  • By reading all there is to read, learn all there is to learn, and know all there is to know about SFI training and resources.
  • And most important is developing the SFI habit of daily logging in, reading and reviewing the latest SFI News, checking the Alerts, and doing the Daily to-do tasks.
  • These are the shortcuts. No one can buy their way to success in SFI.

There is no shortcut to SFI success. What there IS is the best system on the Internet to earn an income from home!!

The first month or two it is not too difficult to reach EA and EA2. After that, it takes more work and at least some money.

Set up your Standing Order for at least 1500 VP. 125-Pak of TCredits ($36.25), and any other combination that gets you 1500 VP.  Also consider at least 1 unit of S-Builder Coop for PSAs, especially if advertising is not your strongest suit.

Keep faith in yourself, and have patience with yourself. SFI success will not happen fast; if you persevere, it WILL happen, to your immense satisfaction and pleasure!

Let your new affiliate know that they can transfer their VP from the first month to the second month of the business if they signed up after the 7th and transfer the points by the 7th of the next month. There will be a message on their “Alert” page to do so.
NOTE: It’s important to let your new PSAs know about this feature. They may not pay attention to the “Alert.”

Send them an e-card to congratulate them. Every badge and encouragement from their sponsor, co-sponsor, and/or Upline sponsor gives a new affiliate some hope.

Keep on working with the workers, encouraging, teaching, and leading by example. Explore all the streams of income.

NOTE: Pay attention to your movers. The others probably will never do anything.

As well as advertising your gateways, write a blog about the business and have it connect to social network sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest etc.

Follow three steps video plan : and paste this video link in your browser and play it.

Follow the 3 simple rules.

Become an Executive Affiliate(EA) and remain an EA Every Month.

Recruit 5 Affiliates.

Teach your Affiliates to do the Same 3 Steps.
NOTE: Stay focused on these three steps for success. The duplication part is the most important.

Anything easily gained is easily lost.

When you have worked hard for something, it feels like it is worth it and that you have truly earned it. You can actually be proud of yourself and you feel that you have achieved something worthwhile.

When trying to take short cuts in life you generally end up forgetting something, or you end up taking the longer way.

Therefore, I do not believe there are any short cuts; there is a lot to read and therefore you need to ensure you understand what you are doing to ensure your business with SFI is a success. A successful business begins with you, and if you work really hard, and really want to succeed, you will succeed.


 “The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland

Here are seven reasons why you should set a goal today:

Direction: Without even the smallest of goals, it is easy to feel as though we lack direction or are lost. Having goals focuses our energy, and enables us to work towards something we value. When we feel as though we are floundering or aren’t quite sure what to achieve in SFI, setting goals can help us get back on course.

Gives clarity on your end mission: Setting your goals gives you clarity on what you ultimately want. It ensures that you are channeling your time, energy and efforts into things that really matters to you. It is what makes it easier for you to judge which SFI Program is best for you and to make smart conclusions.

Drives you forward: The point when you set goals marks one the points when you are most connected with your source of motivation. It is when your motivation is at its peak. Having goals at your side serve as constant reminders of your motivational sources. They are the fuel which drive you forward and keep you going when the going gets tough.

Gives you focus: Goals give you a single focal point to place your attention in. A goal acts as your funnel which guides and channels those inputs effectively into your desired output. When you don’t have goals, you are floating around every day. You may have a broad idea of what you want to do. But until you clearly articulate it out as specific goals, you are not channeling your efforts properly.

Makes you accountable: Setting a specific goal gives you clarity on whether you are living up against what you committed yourself to do when you first set your goal. For me, the goals I set is the number of my downline I want to turn to EA every month. When I set such targets in place, I become accountable toward delivering against it. If I find myself falling short, I will take the necessary actions to turn the situation around. I examine how I have been spending my time and start prioritizing across my daily tasks.

Boosting Self-Esteem: Without goals we don’t have accomplishments. Every time you set a goal and reach it, you prove to yourself that you are capable of achieving what you set out to achieve. This results in a natural boost to our self-esteem and a deeper belief in oneself.

To Reach our Full Potential: Goals enable us to move beyond our comfort zone and become the best we can be. They allow us to take on new and exciting challenges and help us grow as individuals.
NOTE: Goals give direction and hold you accountable for your actions.

Any business will have its MISSION and VISION.

MISSION is a goal for what the company wants to do.

VISION is the strategic planning on how to achieve the mission.

We apply Mission and Vision in our SFI business as per the following:

What is your Mission or Number 1 goal in SFI? To retire early, to become wealthy, to increase standard of living, etc.

What is your Vision or target goal for this month? Sponsor at least 50 affiliates, improve country ranking to top 10, achieve number 1 class ranking and so on.

Now, can you see why SFI added the Goal Tab? It is meant for us to have our Mission and Vision in running our SFI business.
NOTE: Pay a lot of attention to your Goal tab. It is your personal map for success.

To achieve your number one goal, you will have to have plan and strategy. SFI provides us with great guidelines for us to follow through our Mission and Vision in SFI.

You can only put meaning to your SFI business by having these goals. Your success in SFI will depends on your goals and how you are going to achieve the goals.

“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.”
-Bruce Lee

One thing you should avoid in setting your goal is to set it so high that it becomes impossible for you to reach, or so low that its effect in your success is negligible.

As you can read in many books, make your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time bounded.

Goals represent a destination. Every business has a destination. Before you joined SFI you had something in mind to accomplish. Your goals will reflect what you want to accomplish.

Setting a goal keeps you focused and helps you to avoid unnecessary diversions. Staying focused is one of the key things towards success.

Positive Reinforcement. When we accomplish our goals, we reinforce our belief in ourselves to set and accomplish new ones. This helps to muffle negativity, doubt, and fear, making way for a “can do” attitude that helps us continue to strive.
NOTE: Always do what is necessary to subdue negative thinking.


When you sponsor affiliates, they become your PRMs for life, meaning anything they buy from their TripleClicks store you earn Direct Commissions on; you also earn Executive Overrides when your PSAs generate sales in TripleClicks.

When you refer TripleClicks members, your PRM may just become converted to your PSA, and may just turn out to be one of those rare gems.

If you only focus on one stream or strategy for growth, it will be a slow process. But if you are able to focus your energies to use more than one approach, your growth will be faster and you will become successful with SFI.

Don’t restrict yourself to one or the other. Many people have what they prefer, but both sides have benefits and disadvantages. If you can achieve both, go for both. If you find yourself doing better with one of the options, consider doing it more, or trying to improve the option that is lacking. Achieving both will make your SFI experience much better.

If success means that you BUILD A LONG TERM BUSINESS, then sponsoring SFI affiliates is the way to go.


You know you are successful in SFI and TripleClicks when:

Your business is exploding even without your input.

You have an active downline contacting you constantly about the business.

You are as excited today as the first day you entered the business.

Success can mean: feeling that tingle of excitement about what you do, sticking with what matters through hard times, living a life you can feel proud of in retrospect.
NOTE: Excitement can carry you through hard times. It’s the feeling of success.

You will know you are successful in SFI and TripleClicks when:

Your badges start increasing.

Your commission starts increasing.

You receive your Payoneer card.

Your status increases, i.e., you are moving from affiliate to EA to BTL, etc.

Your downline members are working and increasing in status too.

Your downline is growing through your successful recruiting.

You are making sales from your TripleClicks store.

You are successfully recruiting new ECAs

You are achieving your monthly goals.


We started off showing how some affiliates have overcome obstacles and pushed through to SFI success. One affiliate pointed to the effect determination, persistence, and motivation had on his struggle with hard times. He said those qualities could keep a person going in any event short of death.

Much of this discussion revolves around the fact that there are no shortcuts to SFI success. Goal setting is shown to be important for success.

The consensus seems to be that you should sponsor SFI affiliates while, at the same time referring as many as possible to TripleClicks. TripleClicks is the source of SFI income, so it should be a major focus of your SFI business.

The last part of the article discusses how you will know if you are a success. You will see success as you move through the various stages of your SFI business.

Yank Elliott is an SFI Team Leader and freelance writer living in the swamps of Hurricane Alley, North Carolina, USA. He has been an active SFI member since 1999.

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