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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Silver Pack

Pratik Patel , AFF (India) Top Author Forum Guru 1/2/2013 12:51 pm
Affiliate since: 04/04/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Pratik's 40 other Ask SC answers
Very nice question for recent Event of SFI in New year for Investment planning.

Well let me give you some brief of Silver in present and also of future.
Silver's easy availability, diversified use places it high in the list of industrial and investor preference. Silver is a precious metal and an industrial metal, and both sectors are dynamic and volatile in nature. Silver is a precious metal just like gold. But as compared to gold, silver has far more industrial applications that includes in bearings, welding, conducting electricity, photography, brazing, soldering, washing machines, jewelry and others. As the global economy emerges from its recession, demand for silver is going to skyrocket three times more fast than gold. Silver is in high demand in industrial economies as well as emerging economies.

We have these much awesome reasons to invest in this s76 product. i would like to make it as standing order if it's available so by doing this i can do monthly investment for which i am sure i will get higher RIO in future. We are not able to purchase it weekly or daily but saving of whole month can let us to buy it for our bright future. Even there is auctions of it also coming then its very nice way to win it in cheap price than purchasing directly. Auctions of it are combined with 75TC also which can help you in future winning of same . So as per my point of view winning it in auction will be at higher degree for investment planning.

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