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Monday, May 1, 2017

Just Getting started? Start leading by example NOW!

must-read post
All successful people know that in this kind of business it is essential to lead by example.
So if you are seriously COMMITTED (not just interested in) to making big money with this business, you need to start with the right foot since the very first month, in order to set the example that your future Affiliates will have to follow.

Hence you’d better decide what kind of personal story you want to build for yourself, depending on what you expect from your team of Affiliates.

What do you expect from your future teammates? Something like: "signup, accumulate some VersaPoints to qualify as EA, and never spend or invest a dime in your SFI business"?

Well, then do that yourself too. The problem is that if you spend/invest nothing in your business, how can you tell your teammates to do it? So your team will do exactly the same as you, and your monthly income will be insignificant or close to zero until the day you simply quit ingloriously.

Wouldn’t you prefer to intelligently spend/invest some money and start building a positive story to tell to all your future PSAs, so that they’ll be able to duplicate your awesome example?

What if your story sounded something like:

“I started my SFI business 6 months ago, I qualified as a Bronze Team Leader in my first month, and I simply started showing all my PSAs the right things to do. Only a few ones decided to follow me, but now those ones are already earning a very good monthly income which keeps growing month after month. Just like mine! Would you like to follow the same fast track as us, or would you prefer to follow the “regular” slower one?”
Would’t it be great if this was your story? So just do it!

Now your question probably is: what is an "intelligent way" to invest a few dollars and get qualified as a BTL the first month?

Well it should be something based on your actual needs as an entrepreneur:

1) LEARN ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS: you need to learn about your new business. So accumulate 1500 VersaPoints before the end of the month, by performing the actions listed in your ToDoList. This will give you the basic knowledge you need in your first month.

2) LEARN ABOUT THE PRODUCT: you need to know the Company’s products. As TripleClicks is the “Company’s Product” and it is YOUR store, you need to know all its benefits. The best way to know them is to get them for yourself first. So buy at least 1 Pack of 125 TCredits (cost $36.25) which gives you access to all TripleClicks benefits and also lets you earn 1500 additional VersaPoints, so now you have 3000 VP total, which is the 1st requirement you need to qualify as a Bronze Team Leader.

3) START THE DUPLICATION PROCESS: to be successful you need to have an impact on a lot of people. Hence, you need a steady stream of new Affiliates (20 new PSAs per month minimum) to start building a team to lead and duplicate. If you are not an expert in Internet Marketing, the best way to get a steady stream of Affiliates is to participate (with about $30) in an existing co-op marketing initiative such as those organised by the Company itself: 'S-Builder', ‘PSAsToGo', 'Bid&Build', or those possibly organised by some of your upline sponsors (ask them about it). In this way you also get those PSAs you need in order to qualify as Bronze Team Leader very quickly and which allows you to start the duplication process within your first month as an SFI Affiliate.

Hold your rank the following months and help your PSAs to duplicate these simple 3 points. If you take your calculator, you can understand that in just 6 months you could ideally earn from $2 500 to $10 000 dollars or more per month.

You don’t have $66 to invest in your business in order to pursue this kind of income goal? Then trust me; you can’t afford not to invest it. Personally, when I joined my first Network Marketing opportunity about 20 years ago, I didn’t have the money I needed to start that business. So I committed myself to find it somehow, and I also COMMITED myself to give that money back within 3 months maximum. Well; I gave it back during my first month and that business opportunity has been my fortune.

Your first month has already passed? Change your attitude and make of this one your real “first" month.

Have fun!

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