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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Where is my Sponsor's help?

must-read post
This may sound a bit harsh, I'm not trying to be but this is a serious matter when it comes to business ownership.

99.9% of all businesses have no sponsor to teach anyone anything about any part of them. Be it online, offline, or in realms not yet created having an active sponsor or co-sponsor should never be an excuse for lack of success. Don't wait for an active sponsor but do check to see if you were assigned to a new sponsor at the first of the month. Our new Active Sponsors Program just started and if your sponsor hasn't been logging in and has not earned 250VP in the last 45 days as of the end of last month then you have had a new sponsor for 12 days now.

In the end though this is 100% of your business, and not your sponsor's business. Your sponsor is not your boss, they are not your teacher, they are the person who showed you the SFI opportunity but SFI provides the training and the forum provides the support, the search bar and FAQ offer the answers, and every day you can learn something new.

The training in advertising and marketing you seek are under your Marketing tab by selecting the sub menu Marketing Tactics, and more can be learned from day one newbie to advanced marketer using the Internet Income Course under your training tab. SFI is a live and interactive library filled with peers who are running their business and most of us seeing success have had inactive sponsors but realized that a active sponsor has no bearing on our success. We write our story not a Sponsor.

That said you should aim to be a better sponsor than your own because it's your business.

While the sponsor can't make you a success you can help your recruits find success which in turn becomes profits and growth in your own business, so don't repeat bad behavior or take what I am saying as an excuse to let your referrals work independently. Keep in mind that the Active Sponsor policy means you have to log in at least once every 45 days and accrue a minimum of 250 Versa Points or you too will lose all your Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSA).

As to time frame for success most people take 2 years of investing in a business before they can even see a break even point. The less you invest of money the more time must be invested so if you are not buying advertising and team building aides you might need 3-4 years to see a substantial income, but the income is out there. You could also as you roll up your sleeves and get to work find you are a prodigy and that 6 month's from now you are making more than any of us. It all depends on you.

Hoping this helps you and others on your journey,

Andy Zeus Anderson

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