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Monday, May 1, 2017

The Big Funnel

From the chapter Team Building

The Big Funnel

As you become more and more proficient at attracting and sponsoring new affiliates, it's important that you understand this:
IT'S A NUMBERS GAME.  Always has been and always will be.
What do we mean by that? Think of your SFI business as a big funnel. In the big end of the funnel you're putting in new affiliates that you've sponsored.
    The MAJORITY will, unfortunately, turn out to be "tire-kickers" or people looking for something for nothing. That's okay! There are millions of them in the world and if you're out there advertising, you're going to attract your share. You must accept that this is NORMAL and not let it bother you (learn more about this here).
What comes out of the small end of your funnel, however, are the people that "get" SFI, that see the big picture and want to participate seriously.
These are your future leaders, and it is through these "go-getters" that you can explode your income. This is, of course, because SFI pays hefty overrides to you on the activity of those affiliates you have personally sponsored.

It only takes a few...

But what's REALLY amazing is how few of these go-getters you actually need!  Check this out:
Can you personally develop just ONE new Executive Affiliate (EA) a week–that will maintain his or her rank of EA every month–and teach JUST TWO OTHERS to do the same? (Remember, there are DOZENS of methods to sponsor affiliates). If you can, after just one year you could be earning at least $600 a month ($7,200 a year). And after just two years, you could be earning over $1,200 a month ($14,400 a year).
Even if you can develop only ONE new EA a month and have just 10 others in your group doing the same, you can build a nice part-time income of over $200 per month after just a year.
Of course, you can earn MUCH, MUCH MORE, as the above numbers don't even include any Direct Commissions or other bonuses  you can earn. And, of course, you and/or the affiliates in your group may be capable of developing many more EAs.
But that's the beauty of your new SFI business. There are no ceilings. You can earn a little spending cash or you can earn the kind of money that would make your doctor or dentist envious.
Best of all, you can do it completely from home or while you travel, working only the hours you want. No commute. No suit. And YOU are the boss

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