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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Should I Quit?

must-read post
The only way to fail in SFI is to quit. That being said, you've had some advantages in a very short period of time that some of us never get!
1. You have an active sponsor!
2. You've received PSA re-assignments!
3. You've made Bronze Team Leader in four months!

You've been in business just over four months, and you're ready to quit??? Sound like you should re-assess WHY you're in business to begin with. Go back to your BIG GOAL. What is your real motivation for wanting to build your own business? Focus on that, and not where you are (or aren't) after such a short time in business.

Would you expect to buy into a franchise system and expect to be in the black after just four months? I should expect not! Investing in SFI can come in many different ways. Some will invest money to help speed things along. Those who don't have money to invest will invest their time. Only you can decide which one is more applicable to you.

Back to the question about quitting ... really? It's only been four months! No one said this was a get rich quick scheme. In fact, it's quite the opposite! Put in the TIME and the WORK, and this can be a source of leveraged, residual income that can produce results for years to come!

One final thought. You need to define what success is for YOU. Then, take a look at this article, with "shortcuts" to success in SFI, and then determine that you are not going to quit!
Remember this ... SFI will still be here in five years, growing and moving forward into the 21st century, with millions of affiliates. The question is, will you be?

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